Special Counsel

Takeshi Yamashita

◆ Practice Areas

◆ Education

1968LLB at Osaka University
1971LLM at Kyoto University
1977 thru 1979esearch Fellowship of Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation at Hamburg University

◆ Experience

1985 thru 1997Professor of Law at Hiroshima University(Business & Commercial Law)
1997 thru 1999Professor at Tokai University
1999 thru 2003Part-time Assistant Professor at Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy (Insurance & Compliance)
2003 to dateHibiya Park Law Offices
2004 thru 2007Professor of Omiya Law School
2007 thru 2014Professor of Meiji Gakuin University Graduate Law School

◆ その他

  • プリマハム㈱社外監査役
  • リスクマネジメント協会評議員
  • 東京海上各務記念財団第16回各務賞奨励賞受賞
  • 平成11年度郵政事業表彰(部外功労)郵政大臣表彰
  • 日本ペンクラブ会員

◆ Writings

Insurance Law

  • “Zum Begriff Des Unfalls im Versicherungs-Vertragsrecht” (in German) Versicherungs Recht 33-1(A)
  • “Die Anzeigepflicht bei Abschluss einer anderweitigen Unfallversicherung” (in German) Recht in Japan Heft 5

◆ Languages

Japanese, English and German