- PUBLICATIONS Haruka Matsuyama, Naomasa Nakagawa and Naofumi Ogawa “Risk Management for Medical Corporations, No. 3” for Kikan Kanji .
- PUBLICATIONS Naomasa Nakagawa “Commentary Series on Leading Cases, No. 7” for Gekkan Kansayaku (Journal for Audit & Supervisory Board Members)
- PUBLICATIONS Naomasa Nakagawa authored an article entitled “Keys to Successful Utilization of Certification for Whistleblowing Compliance Management System” for Shojihomu Portal.
- PUBLICATIONS Naoki Ogawa authored an article entitled “The Sanctuary – From the Cases of the Subsidiaries of Nissan and Panasonic – ” for Shojihomu Portal.
- NEWS Haruka Matsuyama’s comment was introduced in an article in the Webronza by the Asahi Shimbun on January 28, 2019.
- PUBLICATIONS Taku Nomiya authored an article entitled “Decision Making Procedure of Company for Plea Bargain” for Shojihomu Portal.
- PUBLICATIONS Maki Wakamatsu“Commentary Series on Leading Cases, No. 6” for Gekkan Kansayaku (Journal for Audit & Supervisory Board Members)
- SEMINARS Hideaki Kubori will be a speaker at the seminar entitled “Technique of Management.”
- NEWS Hideaki Kubori got interviewed for an article entitled “Memory of the Heisei Period / Corporate Scandals of the Heisei Period” for January 24, 2019 issue of THE MAINICHI NEWSPAPERS.
- PUBLICATIONS Hideaki Kubori authored a book entitled “Technique of Management.”
- NEWS Hibiya Park Law Offices Welcomes New Partners
- SEMINARS Haruka Matsuyama “Effective Group Subsidiary Management by a Parent Company” (2019.1.24)
- PUBLICATIONS Taku Kawamoto “Commentary Series on Leading Cases, No. 5” for Gekkan Kansayaku (Journal for Audit & Supervisory Board Members)
- PUBLICATIONS Shinji Mizuno authored an article entitled “What is the Problem? The Crime of Making False Statements in Annual Reports – Based on the Arrest of Carlos Ghosn – ” for Shojihomu Portal.
- PUBLICATIONS Haruka Matsuyama, Naomasa Nakagawa and Naofumi Ogawa “Risk Management for Medical Corporations, No. 2” for Kikan Kanji .