- SEMINARS Haruka Matsuyama & Naomasa Nakagawa “Forum for Statutory Auditors:Professional duties, roles and Legal Liabilities of Statutory Auditors, etc.”
- SEMINARS Haruka Matsuyama “The roles and responsibilities Outside Directors and Outside Statutory Auditors are expected to fulfill :Featuring the significance and administrative device for Nominating & Compensatin Committee, Audit & Supervisory Board, the Audit and Supervisory Committee and the Audit Committee Meeting” (2018.8.24)
- PUBLICATIONS Haruka Matsuyama authored an article entitled “Issues to Consider in the Succession of Top Management to the Next Generation” for Kikan Kanji.
- PUBLICATIONS Naomasa Nakagawa authored an article entitled “Issues to Consider in Talent Agreements and Athlete Agreements — Key Points of the Report of the Study Group on Human Resource and Competition Policy published by Competition Policy Research Center, Japan Fair Trade Commission” for Shojihomu Portal.
- SEMINARS Haruka Matsuyama “How a Group Subsidiary Management by a Parent Company Should be” (2018.7.25)
- PUBLICATIONS Taku Nomiya authored an article entitled “Supreme Court Decision on the Whistle-blowing System for Group Companies” for Shojihomu Portal.
- PUBLICATIONS Hiroshi Kamiyama authored an article entitled “Basic Knowledge for Compliance with OSS License”
- PUBLICATIONS Shinji Mizuno authored an article entitled “Issues to Consider in Updating Anti-Takeover Measures” for Shojihomu Portal.
- SEMINARS Hiroshi Kamiyama “Issues to be Noted Regarding a Consignment Agreement for Development, Operation and Maintenance of Information Systems”, hosted by Nikkei BP
- PUBLICATIONS Haruka Matsuyama authored an article entitled “Developments in the Reformation of Shareholder’s Proposal Right” for Shojihomu Portal.
- SEMINARS Haruka Matsuyama “Seminar for the Chairperson of Shareholders Meetings” (2018.4.23/5.14/5.21)
- NEWS High Evaluation Received From The Best Lawyers in Japan 2019
- PUBLICATIONS Akihiko Hara authored an article entitled “Basics for Contract English” for Shojihomu Portal.
- SEMINARS Haruka Matsuyama “Practical Measures to Shareholders Meetings – Shareholders Meetings with a Sense of Consciousness with Dialogues Between Investors and the Company”(2018.4.19)
- PUBLICATIONS Tsuyoshi Nishimoto authored an article entitled “Revision of Corporate Governance Cord Drives Companies to Resolve Remaining Problems” for Shojihomu Portal.