- PUBLICATIONS Hiroshi Kamiyama and Akane Tajima authored an article entitled “Agile Development and Disguised Subcontracting” .
- PUBLICATIONS Naomasa Nakagawa and Naofumi Ogawa authored an article entitled “Anticipated Questions and Planned Answers for the 2021 Shareholders’ Meeting ” for BUSINESS LAWYERS.
- NEWS Recruitment
- NEWS Recruitment
- PUBLICATIONS Naomasa Nakagawa authored an article entitled “Preliminary Explanation of the Draft Guidelines for the Revised Whistleblower Protection Act” for Business Homu.
- SEMINARS Haruka Matsuyama “Key Points for Holding Annual Shareholders Meetings in 2021” (2021.5.21)
- SEMINARS Haruka Matsuyama “Seminar for the Chairperson of Shareholders Meetings ” (Webcast)
- SEMINARS Haruka Matsuyama “Practical Measures to Shareholders Meetings ” (Webcast)
- NEWS High Evaluation Received From The Best Lawyers in Japan 2022
- SEMINARS Haruka Matsuyama “Issues and Measures for Annual Shareholders Meetings in 2021″(2021.4.9)
- SEMINARS Hiroshi Kamiyama “ Legal Issues in IT Contracts and Cloud Implementations to Avoid Being Cheated by IT Vendors. ”, hosted by Seminar Info Co., Ltd.
- SEMINARS Haruka Matsuyama “A Functional Nomination and Remuneration Committee and Roles of Outside Officers” (2021.3.1)
- SEMINARS Taku Nomiya “Audit Practice for Company with Audit and Supervisory Committee – Five years have passed since the establishment of the new institution.” (Webcast)
- NEWS Hibiya Park Law Offices has been featured in “BUSINESS LAW FIRMS 2021: Lawyers and Law Firms Confronting COVID-19”.
- NEWS New Lawyers Joined Hibiya Park Law Offices