- PUBLICATIONS Taku Nomiya contributed Japan Chapter for “Litigation and ADR Annual Review 2016”
- PUBLICATIONS Naomasa Nakagawa authored an article entitled “Practices and Procedures for International Arbitration” in The Lawyers, November 2016.
- PUBLICATIONS Hideaki Kubori got interviewed for EconomistWeekly.
- PUBLICATIONS Hideaki Kubori authored an article entitled “Global Wandering/Namibia” for Global Keiei.
- PUBLICATIONS Hideaki Kubori reviewed a book entitled “Global Investigation”, which appeard in NBL No.1088.
- SEMINARS Hideaki Kubori “Logic and Operation of Third Party Committee” (2017.1.24)
- SEMINARS Haruka Matsuyama “Consideration of Issues Related to Operation of Board of Directors – in light of the trend regarding voluntary committee -” (2017.1.10)
- SEMINARS Hiroshi Kamiyama “Workshop on Risk Management for Corporate Managers of the Internet Age” (2016.12.7)
- PUBLICATIONS Hideaki Kubori authored a book entitled “Kubori Hideaki Law School Lecture.”
- NEWS Notice of Website Renewal