- TOPICS Haruka Matsuyama “How a Group Subsidiary Management by a Parent Company Should be”
Hideaki Kubori “Special Program: Thinking about the Toshiba Problem
– Why Did the Problem Occur and Why Has the Situation Reached This Level -” (2017.8.29) - TOPICS Haruka Matsuyama “KPMG Japan Forum for Statutory Auditors: Legal Liabilities of Statutory Auditors, etc.”
- TOPICS Naofumi Ogawa “Practice in Dealing with a Company’s Misconduct and the Use of Whistle-Blower System”(2017.7.7)
- SEMINARS “Issues to be noted regarding agreements for development, operation and maintenance of information systems” Nikkei BP
- SEMINARS Haruka Matsuyama “Seminar for the Chairperson of Shareholders Meetings” (2017.4.25)
- SEMINARS Haruka Matsuyama “Practical Measures to Shareholders Meetings– considering Corporate Governance Code”(2017.4.19)
- SEMINARS Haruka Matsuyama “Issues and Measures for Annual Shareholders Meetings in 2017″(2017.4.11)
- SEMINARS Haruka Matsuyama “Key Points for Holding Annual Shareholders Meetings in 2017” (2017.4.7)
- SEMINARS Hideaki Kubori “Lecture on Preparation for Shareholders’ Meeting in 2017” (2017.2.15)
- SEMINARS Hideaki Kubori “Logic and Operation of Third Party Committee” (2017.1.24)
- SEMINARS Haruka Matsuyama “Consideration of Issues Related to Operation of Board of Directors – in light of the trend regarding voluntary committee -” (2017.1.10)
- SEMINARS Hiroshi Kamiyama “Workshop on Risk Management for Corporate Managers of the Internet Age” (2016.12.7)