Practice Areas
1. |
Patent Law, Trademark
Law, Design Law, Copyright Law and Unfair Competition
Prevention Law |
2. |
System development agreement , Information Technology |
3. |
Antitrust Law |
4. |
Corporate Law |

March 1981
Graduated from Kyoto University, Faculty of Science
April 1981
Joined Fujitsu Ltd. and worked on projects designing versatile
Operating Systems for mainframes
April 1990
Joined Nomura Research Institute Ltd. and engaged in business
consultation on strategic use of information
October 1998
Passed the National Bar Exam
October 2000
Admitted as Attorney at Law and Patent Attorney
February 2003
Hibiya Park Law Offices
(Affiliated with the Daini Tokyo Bar Association)
April 2006`March 2009
Director, Japan Patent Attorneys Association
April 2004`March 2010, April 2012`March 2014
Visiting professor, Kanazawa Institute of Technology
April 2014 ` March 2015
Vice President, Japan Patent Attorneys Association

2002- Member, Exploratory Committee, International Association for the Production of Intellectual Property of Japan (AIPPI Japan)
2004, 2005 Member, Software Committee of the Japan Patent Attorneys Association
2004 Member, Research Committee regarding trend of obtaining patents of software-related technologies, SOFTIC
2005-2006 Member, Research and Study Committee regarding software-related patents, Software Information Center (SOFTIC)
2006-2007 Chairman, the Committee of Trade Practice and Agreement for Improvement of the Reliability of Information Systems, METI
2006-2009 Member, GPL Best Practice Working Group, Information-technology Promotion Agency, JAPAN (IPA)
2007-2008 Member, the Committee of prevention of illegal importation under the Unfair Competition Prevention Law, METI
2007 Member, Central Research Institute of Intellectual Property, Japan Patent Attorneys Association
2008 Member, Expert committee on Intellectual Property System in Digital-Internet Age, established under Strategic Council on Intellectual Property
2014 Member, Expert committee on the use of cloud computing in financial firms, The Center for Financial Industry Information Systems(FISC)

"Don't be deceived by cleverly drafted IT agreements"
May 2013, Nikkei BP, Inc.
"Practice of Preparation for Shareholders’ Meeting for Year 2015 and Anticipated Questions and Planed Answers" (Co-author)
February 2015, Chuokeizai-sha, Inc.
"Study of RokurakuU case (Supreme Court, Judgment of January 20,2011)„Maneki TV case (Supreme Court, Judgment of January 18,2011)"
NBL No.947, February 15, 2011, Shojihomu
"Senmonsosho Taikei, vol.2 Litigation of Intellectual Property Right Infringement" (Co-author)
May 2010, Seirinshoin Co., Ltd.
"Practice of Drafting Agreements on System Development"
Business Homu,2008Vol.8 No.7`2009Vol.9 No.1, Chuokeizai-sha, Inc.
"Guidebook of Intellectual Property Terms" (Co-author)
November 2006, Seibunsha Co., Ltd. Publishers
"New@Corporate Law Q&A" (Co-author)
October 2005, Seibunsha Co., Ltd. Publishers
"Situations of court precedents in Japan and the United States regarding Exhaustion Doctrine and Repair/Reproduction argument" (Co-author)
Patent, June 2005 Japan Patent Attorneys Association
"Litigations about employee's inventions - what we should learn through a series of decisions of the court?"
Right Now!, June 2004 Zeimukeiri Kyokai Co., Ltd.
"More complicated contents business - various rights sought through cases"
Right Now!, October 2003 Zeimukeiri Kyokai Co., Ltd.
"Handbook for management
and strategies of intellectual property" (Co-author)
2002, Softbank Publishing Co., Ltd.